10 Free Printable Kitchen Conversion Charts
Are you sometimes confused when it comes to converting ounces to milliliters, cups to tablespoons, and so on? No worries, these printable kitchen conversion charts will be a great help!
Download and Print one of these FREE Kitchen Conversion Chart Now!

Liquid Measurement
Measuring liquid ingredients can be tricky when you are cooking or baking. To make sure your dish turns out perfect, take a look at these printable kitchen conversion charts for measuring liquids.
Keep your chart handy when you cook and never worry about making mistakes in the kitchen again!

Weight Conversion
These printable kitchen conversion charts also contain all the weight conversions you might need for baking and cooking such as grams, kilograms, ounces, and pounds.
No matter what kind of ingredients you are using for your recipe; with one of these charts at hand, you will always get it right!

Temperature Conversion
These free kitchen conversion charts also help you convert food temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit or vice versa. You no longer have to worry about setting the wrong temperatures in your oven!

Are Liquid and Dry Measurements the Same?
No, liquid and dry measurements are not the same. Standard measuring cups for liquids measure volume in milliliters or ounces, while standard measuring cups used for dry ingredients measure weight in grams or ounces.
To get accurate measurements, make sure you use the right type of measuring cup depending on your ingredient.

How to use these Conversion Charts
You can use them in many ways. Here are some ideas:
1. Print out a few copies and keep them by your side as you cook or bake.
2. Hang up the chart in your kitchen for easy reference.
3. Pin it to your refrigerator door so you can access it easily.
4. Put a copy inside your favorite cooking book

Why these free Cooking Charts are a must-have
These charts are essential for anyone who likes to cook or bake. They make it so much easier to get the right measurements and temperatures when preparing a dish.
Whether you are making a cake, soup, sauce, or drink; your chart ensures that your recipes turn out perfect every time! So don’t wait any longer; download your free kitchen conversion chart now!

Check Out These Conversation Articles:
Your conversion chart contains all the metrics you need to make sure your dish turns out just right. It pretty much covers everything you need to measure when cooking.
It will help you to convert cups, tablespoons, teaspoons, pounds, ounces, gallons, volume and temperature.

Check Out More Interesting Articles
With one of these charts, you can now accurately measure ingredients for your recipes without spending too much time trying to figure out the conversion formula.

So, stop wasting your time worrying about conversions; just print this free kitchen conversion chart and keep it in your kitchen. It will come in handy every time you cook! Enjoy!
Can I use those designs on my own website?
Yes, I have created these designs for you to use and print. Feel free to share them on your own website or blog. I would appreciate it if you would link back to this page so others can find my other designs too!
Do I need a subscription to download the kitchen conversion chart?
No, you don’t need a subscription. All of my designs are available for free and anyone can download them without signing up. Just click on the Download link below the chart to get started!
I have created a collection of free printables that are very useful for any cooking journey. So, if you are interested in new free pintables or recipes, then I suggest you sign up to stay up-to-date.

I love these. They are so cute and go great in a kitchen to add some flare. Thank you for sharing.