Can You Put Glass In The Oven? The Best Comprehensive Guide

In today’s in-depth guide, we will look at why some types of glass crockery work in the oven and others don’t. Then, I’ll help guide you through essential safety tips on using glass inside the hot oven and how to tell when glassware is oven-safe.

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Glassware with vegetables

Is Glass Oven Safe?

Glass is quite a confusing material to work with in the kitchen. You may have a glass baking dish that you regularly use inside the oven without any sort of trouble. However, when you wash a wine glass in some hot water, it shatters into pieces!

Why does that happen? And why doesn’t the baking dish burst?

There are SO many questions I see daily about glass cookware and ovens.

First and foremost, SOME types of glass are fine to use in the oven. Other types are not. Check out this delicious Disney Ratatouille Recipe made in an oven-safe dish.

The difference is in the way the manufacturer makes the glass, the thickness, and the overall design.

different types of glass cookware

That’s why you will never find a thin, lightweight glass baking dish. It’s also why you will never find a hefty thick-rimmer wine glass. The different types of glass have different functions.

Can You Put Glass In The Oven?

So, as I just mentioned, you can put a glass dish inside the oven, but it depends on the type.

Infographic about Putting Glass In The Oven

Most oven-safe glass cookware is labeled as “oven-safe” or “safe to use in the oven.” This obviously means that you can use this specific dish in a high-heat oven. 

Keep in mind that the term “oven-safe” usually only applies to baking or roasting temperatures below 400°F (204.4°C). The higher the heat, the shorter the amount of time becomes that the glass dish can safely stay inside the oven.

Ideally, glass dishes (that are specifically labeled as oven-safe) should only be used for baking. It’s not ideal for roasting and should not be used for grilling or charring.

Which Types of Glass Can Be Used In The Oven?

Standard glass isn’t heat resistant. It will shatter at 302-392°F (150-200°C). These are usually things like plates and bowls.

Tempered glass is what you will need. It can withstand temperatures between 400-482°F (204.4-250°C)! But, always buy high-quality tempered glass. If the material has weak points because it wasn’t properly made, it will break.

glass baking dish with vegetables

How To Know When Glass Is Safe To Use

Now, this is super important! These rules will help you avoid a massive mess and potential accidents from occurring.

Infographic about When Glass Is Safe To Use
  1. First things first, mugs, cups, drinking glasses, beer jugs glass bowls, plates, and other various glass crockery ARE NOT OVEN SAFE. Just use this rule as set-in-stone. Unless otherwise indicated directly on the item, you shouldn’t even attempt using them in the oven. 
  2. Second, only use dishes and crockery specifically labeled as “oven-safe.” There are also a couple of symbols used. You will see that there are many different options from baking pans, casserole dishes, ramekins, soup bowls, and many other designs, all made specifically from glass. As long as they have the stamp of approval from the manufacturer, they can be used for baking.
  3. You can also look out for specific terms like “tempered glass,” and names like Borosilicate glass or Pyrex (a leading manufacturer of heat-resistant glass products).
  4. And finally, oven-safe glass is usually very thick and quite heavy. This isn’t a definite sign that the dish will be safe. But, if it’s a thin baking dish, you can be almost 1000% sure that the glass will shatter.

How To Safely Use Oven-Safe Glassware

Here are some tips and tricks you can follow when working with glass bakeware. Because even if it’s labeled as “oven-safe,” doesn’t mean it is completely resistant to cracks.

The first question I’ll take a look at is, “Can you put a glass bowl in the oven when it is cold?” 

Infographic about Oven Safe Glassware

You should never do this! Glass shouldn’t be exposed to sudden temperature changes which cause thermal shock. It causes the atoms to go crazy and ultimately, create a crack (that’s the simplified explanation of it). Always use glass bakeware when they are at room temperature.

Secondly, never expose the hot baking dish to cold temperatures. As an example, don’t put the hot baking dish inside the freezer to make the food cool more quickly. Again, it will cause the glass to shatter.

Next, always use dry oven mitts when handling glass bakeware. It works better than a towel because it provides your hands with the needed protection in case the glass shatters.

Also, do not use cracked baking dishes in the oven. They are essentially a bomb waiting to go off. If your glass dish has a small crack, it’s best to use it as a storage container. 

Another great rule of thumb is to NEVER add an empty glass dish inside the oven. Always have it filled with food or liquid. That’s the same reason you sterilize glass jars with water inside the oven.

You should also never add a plastic lid to the oven. Many of these baking dishes come with these lids to make storage effortless. But just because the glass container is safe to use in an oven, doesn’t mean the lid is.

And finally, when your glass pan or casserole has just come out of the oven (or if it is still extremely hot), do not wash it immediately. This might cause a big enough temperature change that could cause the dish to crack.

What Should You Do If The Glass Dish Breaks In The Oven?

If your dish has shattered or exploded inside the oven, immediately turn it off. Leave the door closed in case more glass pieces shatter.

Leave the pieces to cool completely. If this takes hours, then so be it!

Once they are all completely cooled, you can carefully clean the pieces. I prefer using a vacuum to ensure I get every tiny shard.

To discard the glass in the bin, wrap it in a bunch of paper towels or toilet paper first. Then, wrap it in plastic. This helps prevent the shards from piercing the garbage bag and potentially harming someone.

Broken glass baking dish

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