Fruity Watermelon Smoothie Bowl

Perfect for a healthy brunch

 Fruity Watermelon Smoothie Bowl

 Fruity Watermelon Smoothie Bowl

My recipe for my refreshing and fruity watermelon smoothie bowl, thick, creamy and plant-based, perfect for a healthy brunch, along with my delicious watermelon and pineapple juice!

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Smoothie bowls are incredibly healthy because they are full of blended fruit so they contain vitamins, minerals, and the fruits’ fiber which is often lost when juiced.


Watermelon Chopped mango Frozen strawberries Frozen banana Coconut milk Heart-shaped pieces of fresh mango  Chia seeds Almonds Desiccated coconut Dried cornflower



Cut the watermelon in half, and scoop out a little hole from the middle. Place the stick blender inside the watermelon and blend carefully until you can take out 3 cups of the juice.


Finish blending the rest of the watermelon until smooth to make some space for the other fruits.

Finish blending the rest of the watermelon until smooth to make some space for the other fruits.


Next, add the strawberries, diced mango, and coconut milk and blend until smooth. 

Next, add the strawberries, diced mango, and coconut milk and blend until smooth. 

Bowls of thick smoothies which you can eat with a spoon are cool yet filling and energizing so you can tackle a busy day.

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Swipe up to  See the Full Recipe of   Fruity Watermelon Smoothie Bowl