How To Cut Lemons 

For Food And Drinks

Green Sunlight
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There are mainly four ways in which lemons are cut for food. They include wedges, slices, segments, and cubes. The exact cut you end up choosing depends on how you want to use the lemon.

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How To Cut A Lemon Into Wedges

Remove the top and bottom of the lemon.

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Then, place the lemon on one of the flat, cut ends, and slice the lemon in half.

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How To Make Lemon Slices

To start your lemon slices, cut off the top of the lemon.

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Then, hold the lemon on its side with your non-dominant hand.

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How To Cut Lemon Segments

To start, you have to peel the lemon using the knife method.

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Once the rind is removed, hold the lemon in your non-dominant hand.

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