Air -Fryer
This delicious marinated steak is easy to make, very quick, and a lot less work than using traditional methods. Give it a try and serve it with some of my many side dish recipes.
You can use a simple mixture of salt and black pepper, or something a little more complex like a steak rub with garlic, paprika, oregano, and peppercorns.
Luckily for us air-fryer fanatics, it is possible. And the best part is that it actually makes pretty delicious steaks!
First, prepare the marinade in a small bowl. Mix everything well together and add the steak pieces. Make sure the steak is coated with the sauce evenly.
The appliance has been designed to effectively circulate heat and air around the entire piece of food, cooking it evenly all around.
You can slice it up and serve it inside a steak salad or as finger food on a platter. It’s entirely up to you.